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Old 06-18-2003, 03:12 PM   #8
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Originally posted by Davy
let us know how the upgrade goes.
The installation was pretty straightforward except for a couple of points:

1) The pump supplied in the kit will NOT pull. I.E. It MUST be below the lowest point in the tank. That's not possible in the Blazer without hanging it 8 inches below the frame rail. This caused me to have to switch to a different fuel pump.

2) I didn't like the little plastic canister fuel filter they supplied, as it would mean busting open the fuel lines each time I have to change it. I upgraded it to a really nice aluminum screw-in type filter.

3) There's no good place in a Blazer to cut a hole in the firewall to run the wires. I wanted it to be hidden and out of the way of wayward feet. I ended up using the clutch linkage hole. I'll be keeping my eye on this very carefully for wear.

I'm in the process of tuning it right now. I'll post more when I've got that done.

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