Cleaning house some and could use the money. (Cummins

First is from a big truck, C70 I think. It's an early 70s, has the amp gauge and mechanical oil pressure gauge. None of the tabs are broke, circuit is great, gauges are nice but are dusty in the pic. I have the black plastic and lens for it somewhere.
Second is from an 83 big truck, same condition as the first. Has volts gauge, electric oil pressure, gauges are real nice. One tab is broke in half, but still just enough meat there to put a screw with a washer, or get some fuser and make a new tab.
Both clusters come with the tach wiring. Early one should be a plug and play for an early truck, later one for a 78-up truck. I have a couple more pics if needed, or can take more if something particular is needed.
$200 each shipped. I also have a diesel tach dash if someone is looking for one.