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Old 11-17-2010, 09:15 PM   #1
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Calling 454HO, Vortec BBC install help needed!

Your PMs are turned off or I would annoy you through that medium. I did a search of your posts but I couldn't find what headers you are using. I ended up ordering Hedman 68610 which is a shorty header for various cars because I read a post that they fit big block squares without hanging down below the frame. To make a long story short they aren't fitting but are somewhat close.

After reading your post . I am thinking the use of the stock vortec 454 pieces that bolt to the block + 305 mounts is my issue. My headers are literally pushing against the frame on the pass side and hit the piece bolted to the block on the drivers side. I might be able to get them to work with a grinder but I don't want to go down that path unless I have to. The help I need is I am hoping you still have the pics from that thread lurking around somewhere and could repost them for me. Almost 3 years old so you may not have them but it would be awesome if you did.

Last edited by thepenguin99; 11-17-2010 at 10:00 PM.
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