Originally Posted by hatzie
Round rubber connector? Dual tanks or maybe the factory camper harness? At least in 89 the glow plugs go through the main Packard 56 & 59 bulkhead block.
I've got 38 pages of the 1989 R-V wiring diagrams scanned on my A3 scanner. It's a 4meg PDF. Should be close enough to the 87 R-V and the 86 C-K diesels...
I'll bet dual tanks too now then you mention that. The glow plug through me because the CUCV does not have this and I it just dropped below the cab when I disconnected it. I'll check my 91 Crew for this plug as it too has dual tanks.
Could you email the wiring to me, if they are the 11 X 17, I can print them at work: