Thread: brake help
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Old 11-20-2010, 11:47 PM   #18
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Re: brake help

Finally got around to inspecting the brakes. My friend helped me get the passenger front and rears pulled apart and we inspected everything. The fronts actually aren't in that bad of shape. The wheel cylinder is shot, the wheel bearings need to be replaced, the shoes are in pretty good good shape and the drums are decent as well, my friend is going to re-surface them and we'll see how they clean up and check for warping. The rear is pretty bad, wheel cylinder is bad (go figure), shoes are worn almost completely down, the drums show signs of metal to metal and are going to have to be replaced. Brake lines and hoses are pretty dry-rotted and the master cylinder could probably be rebuilt but I'm planning on replacing it anyway. We also checked some of the steering components, tie rod ends are going to have to be replaced as well as a couple of other components. I'm going to take apart the drivers side brakes and check all those components. I've got a list of parts and in between work days I'll try and get all this stuff worked out once I order all these parts and get them all in. I'll update here with progress... or for more help.

Oh the photos are from the passenger rear. you can see the shoes are worn almost completely away and the wheel cylinder is shot, lots of corrosion and leakage from the boots and corrosion on the hardware.
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Last edited by canonball; 11-20-2010 at 11:50 PM.
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