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Old 11-21-2010, 10:55 PM   #4
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Re: Electric Choke to Manual Choke conversion?

I will post some pics tomorrow morning. I don't know about the great white North, but you can buy these at any Autozone, Pep Boys, NAPA, etc., in the states. However, I would look for a better quality unit or even an OEM if you can find one, since you will have severe cold which will be hard on your cable and attachments, etc. In any case, a cheap one is only like $12 U.S., so you can experiment with a cheap one without much investment. My cheap Autozone one will loosen up where the set screw attaches to the lever at the choke cap, and I will know this when the truck gets hard to start cold. I just pop the hood, loosen the set screw, take up about 1/4" of slack, re-tighten the set screw - good to go.
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