Thread: Tami's 51 build
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Old 11-22-2010, 02:25 PM   #19
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Re: Tami's 51 build

Well, it's been a hell of a week, didnt get a lot done, if any of you watch the know what's been going on in Mt Vernon, Ohio...
neighbors of mine...

SO.... here's where we are now, mostly just finishing up on the roof chop, it is definitely a PITA, doing it this way, but I think the outcome will be better? I don't know 6 of 1,,, 1/2 dozen of the other. I do think I like the look better when the pillars and post have not been cut and bent, ( and the roof skin stays the same dimensions) as opposed to the path I chose ( section the roof skin and the door, window frame) It might take less time to just bend the posts and make relief cuts on the cab corners, not sure, But I can say it takes a LOT of time to fit the roof skin back together and use filler strips, the areas where it is able to be butt welded turned out great, I was having trouble keeping the round shape to the top of the roof, while at the same time getting it all clecoed? together.
so I built a little rounded brace for under the roof to help and then I decided to just lap weld the joints, since it was in the shape I wanted.. I think I should have taken the time(more PITA) and butt welded the whole thing, but all I have is a MIG and even on the lowest setting, it was tough to keep from blowing through.
everywhere there was a butt weld it was easy to work the metal flat.. this also means there will be just a small skim coat of filler on the lap welds. not a lot, as I went ahead and hammer and dollied them close to flat too.. here's a few pics...

FAT MIKE, there was a small gap even on the butt welds , so I just held a copper spoon behind the gap as I welded so it pretty much penetrated all the way.. close up for ya!

Butt welds at the cab corner

area just above the rear window

front pillar post

Last edited by skip99; 11-22-2010 at 02:28 PM.
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