Originally Posted by Catfisher'
we just did the pads, and Idk bout the fluid.
How did you do the front brakes? Did you open the bleeder valve and let out fluid or did you keep the bleeder closed and compress the caliper piston?
What I would suggest...
Items you will need:
Large bottle of brake fluid
Cup or bottom of a bottle (oil, trans fluid, etc) that you can put brake fluid in.
12-18" of Vacuum hose that will fit the brake bleeder.
Top off master cylinder. Put cover back on.
Put some brake fluid in cup.
Attached vacuum hose to brake bleeder.
Place other end of hose into cup of brake fluid. Make sure end is submerged. Add more fluid to cup if needed.
Open bleeder valve.
Slowly pump the brake pedal 3-5 times.
Close bleeder.
Repeat on other side.
Sequence of bleeding right rear, left rear, right front, left front. However if I only change the front I have had luck just bleeding the front, but it wouldn't hurt to do all 4.