Thread: Going glide...
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Old 11-24-2010, 04:29 PM   #3
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Re: Going glide...

Ok.. Glide is all ordered up allong with Verter. It should be here by the middle of December and then the swap starts. Went with an Abruzzi unit. Total cost to my door is aprox $2,200 with verter and trans shield.. Not too bad. I'll be able to use my current flexplate and just need to buy a shifter and get a new driveshaft. All in all I am excited. Marco suggested a 8" 5,700 verter for NA but knowing there will be a decent hit of N20 aboard, we elected to go with a 8" 5,200 instead. I don't mind being more optimized for N20 than motor. I also asked Marco about a 400 vs the glide. He said that based on my projected weight of 3300lbs, I really could go either way. Said the glide will slow my 60' down compared to a 400, but he thinks I will ultimately run a faster ET/mph with the glide.

I'm hoping to have it all together before the end of Jan and get to the track by Feb depending on weather. I probably will stick it back on the dyno once I get the trans in just to get the N20 hitting on both stages. Wondering if there will be any change on rwhp with the glide. Seeing as the 521rwhp I made was with the 10.5" verter locked, it will be interesting to see what the glide actually does. Everyone says I should make more power with the glide, but more power than the locked 80E? I don't see that happening, but If I can make 500rwhp I'll be stoked.. Then again if the PG uses 20hp less to turn and the roatating weight of the smaller verter equates for another 5hp allong with an efficiant verter (say 4% slip), I would be in the same ballpark, maybe... Wont know till it happens..
1/8---6.58 @ 105.92----5.87 @ 118.41
1/4---10.38 @ 126.97----9.24 @ 142.49
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