Re: Dont buy Chinese!!!!
Not buying Chinese products will never happen. Do you really expect people to stop buying personal computers, cell phones, MP3 players, cameras, HDTV's, etc? Come on, get real... I bet over 99% of ALL these products are manufactured in China.
The only way to keep the crappy junk out (Low quality steel, lead based paint, tainted foods, etc) is for the companies that import these products to be held accountable. Whether the importer is a U.S. company or a Chinese company, they need to be the ones responsible for the quality and safety of the products they are bringing into our country. Until this happens, nothing will change.
What consumers should do when they purchase sub-standard imported products is file a complaint with the import company and demand their money back. Also report the issue to the local consumer protection groups, and perhaps even the Federal Trade Commission. Make your federal government step up to the plate and put a stop to this crap.
But no, people just sit back in thier easy chairs and post 'don't buy Chinese products' threads on internet forums using their made in China computer.
- Greg