im very tempted to give the sort of response Id give to Tim (84 K10) but I will resist. this isnt the place.
Mike I have checked to make sure its TDC of compression stroke a bunch of times, one of the times I used the method that blows my finger off the spark plug hole, which is sort of the same thing. I am definately only human, but I have done this so many times in the past that if I made the mistake I would have corrected it.. Whatever the problem may be, its hiding out pretty well. I did not replace the pickup coil. I have never heard of one going bad and its only a few years old with a few thousand miles on it.
but, allthrtl, good question. NO it DOESNT backfire thru the carb and Im not sure if Im happy or NOT about that! I wish it was then I know it would be timing (valve or ignition) related.. it has not fired thru the carb even ONCE.
On a related note, when its sputtering, its getting a LOT of pressure back thru the carb though as I can see many tiny droplets of fuel coming from the primaries... I find it strange, Im not sure if its just a side effect of the engine running bad or what.
All my life I have gone zero lash + 1/2 turn on the lifters.. I WONDER if maybe with these new lifters I should go just to zero lash? If I cranked the rockers too tight and the engine wasnt able to make full compression, I could see it acting the way it is. Seems like a real long shot though.
get this though, when I do get the engine to SPUTTER for 30 seconds or whatever, every exhaust header is equally hot to the touch, and quite hot at that.
welp, back to the garage to scratch my head some more.. Ive got the carb torn down right now, against my better judgement.. The float level was perfect and its like new in there.. the search continues...
swervin: it cranks fast enough... it actually cranks rather slow. But definately fast enough to start. And when the battery dies, it hits each compression stroke and struggles.. its definately making SOME compression..
allthrtl: regarding the spare carb thing, I do have the parts to a spare q-jet which is still in xlnt condition and I know it runs good, just gotta swap in the jets and rods.. Maybe Ill do it just for peice of mind.