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Old 11-25-2010, 12:48 PM   #22
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Re: New guy to the forum

I thought about the 208 for awhile and since I had some already I decided to use it on this truck. It has advantages that I like. Weight factor. Low side gearing. It's 2.61 in low side compared to the 203 and 205 cases that are 1.98 in low side. I won't need low side often but when I do I want LOW SIDE. And that gearing is what I wanted. The case is stronger than what people give it credit for.
To answer your question about plowing snow in it, NO. Plowboy is the name of my mud racing truck so I just used it here for my name on the board. (That's one reason why I know how tough the 208 case is) My work truck has a plow rig on it so my driveway and street gets cleared with it.
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