Bad Day
So i took the Dually in For tires had all the rims and tires in the bed of the truck as i was going from 16.5 inch rears to 16 inch wheels.... Simple right?
So i left the truck and went for a nice lunch with the wife and stopped by the local R/C shop to race some laps
Go to pick up the truck dude behind the counter tells me he can't install the tires because they are a "P" rating? there truck tires but any ways that's my fault i guess. so upon leaving i pulled off of the side road the shop was on and as i pulled on to a 4 lane busy high way and my tail gate opened and spewed 4 dually rims and 4 tires on rims all over the road so i pulled over and had to run out on a busy highway and try and retrieve the tire and rims before they got hit and caused damage etc. The Shop workers stood there and watched me until my wife told them they better help me and buddy comes over picks up one tire and goes "Get a better ****ing truck" My "truck" has nothing to do with the idiot tech who did not close my tail gate and pile the tires in a nice orderly fashion.
So if you plan on getting tires changed don't go to belleville tire.I realize 90% of this forum is US ppl but none the less just putting it out there
P.S if you let someone touch your truck just check the tail gate b4 you drive off could save a lot of head ache.