Thread: Bad Day
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Old 11-25-2010, 09:27 PM   #10
C35 Crew Dually
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Re: Bad Day

Originally Posted by DetroitDan View Post
I have no problem with the P rating deal being refused, and I could even forgive some tire monkey for being too stupid to close a tailgate properly. But watching you risk your life in traffic trying to prevent a wreck, and then having the nerve to diss your truck?! I would have lost my sh*t totally at that point. Tell em to find me a better truck right now and I'll chain up to it and drag it until it's wheels fall off.

We have a local tire store here that does unbleievable crap to people. I went straight from having tierods and a steering stabilizer shock installed, drove 4 miles to get an alignment there. 2 hours later they call to tell me that I need a new stabilizer shock.. Really? Are you sure? Well, that's what the tech who checked it said, they're usually due for replacement at that age, so it must be leaking or something. So I said why don't you look again because it is brand new today! Then they wouldn't rotate my tires for me because they removed the outers and found the bolt on spacers. The ones that I told them about and agreed to pay extra labor for them to do because they are a pita. Then they tried to sell me a set of junk tires for way more than I bought my name brand Intercos for. Also they have a rule about leaving the drivers window down so they dont lock the keys in. My mother in law took her Avalanche there for an aoil change, her window wouldn't go down more than a couple inches, so instead of puttingthe keys in the door lock, or opening one of the other 3 windows, nitwit forces the window down by hand and breaks the regulator. I think they tell everyone who goes there for an inspection they need balljoints, even when they don't. I've seen balljoints that failed go to my friends shop for the work, and he wouldn't do it because there was absolutley nothing wrong with them. Scumbags. Sorry for the rant. I get carried away!
yeah i mean had buddy come and help and not made a rude comment i would have been alright. but it was rude and disrespectful.that's not how to treat a customer.on top of all this i have a bad back and should not be moving tires around let alone huge heavy duallys. so on top of all this i pulled a muscle or something in my back and wrenched my arm trying to throw the tires off the road. my fire was more helpful at 5'2 and 145 pounds. Kijiji add posted BTW
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