Thread: Subwoofers???
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Old 11-27-2010, 12:42 AM   #1
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Ok so I have an '83 swb single cab. I don't know anything about car audio. I've got a nice deck, speakers and 500w amp. I also have a 1200w amp to use. I want some bass, but I have no idea what type of sub/box combo I need. Its going to have to be shallow enough to fit behind the seat, and I'd like to stick with my 1200watt amp. I want a substantial amount of bass, enough to "bump" as some would say, but nothing over the top or extravagant.

I want clean, powerful bass as simply and cheaply as possible.

So, will I be able to do this with my 1200 watt Sony Xplod amp?

What type of sub should I get and how many? (diameter, wattage, etc.)

And what type of box should I put it in? Ported/non ported?

All advice is appreciated.
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