Thread: Subwoofers???
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Old 11-28-2010, 11:08 AM   #8
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Re: Subwoofers???

Originally Posted by tylerg. View Post
I listen to alot of different music, but mainly rap so I want the bass for that. I want it to bump. I'll spend probably $150-$200 MAX on subs, and I plan on building my own box. For the amp, its a 1200w sony xplod my friend gave to me so once I'm back home monday I'll get you the details on it.

this will give you ideas

ohms is the way they rate amps...
your explod is rated more than likely at 3ohms and at 1k hz
most subs for car use are 4 ohms.. (average) they are rated at 4 ohms but each note(higher or lower) will change the ohm rate (the electrical resistance)
some amps are rated at 2 ohm and some 1 ohm..
very few amps can run at 2 ohm load and if they can. not for long..
your explode is more than likely closer to 120w continous rms
into 4 ohms per channel..
that 1200 w rating is tested at 1k hz (midrange) and with test signal
not real music..
that amp will clip long before you get 1200 w out of it..
distorsion is the #1 speaker killer.. you can buy a 900.oo sub and if you run it in an amp that is overloaded and driven into distortion all the time it'll die..
with your amp, I'd buy 2 cheap subs (about 100.00 for the pair)
and run them.. anything more is gonna be a waste. as that amp will not keep up anyways..
if that amp can be run in bridged mode, (i doubt it) I'd do that..
you just have to wire the 2 subs so it doesn't run a 2 ohm load..

build the box, get some fair subs and see if it's enough for you..
your music is mostly computer generated and the bass is just there to be there, they are not all that picky about it.. see if you like it without spending much.. you can always change the drivers(subs)
and the amp..
just over build the box. screws and liquid nails lots of people use mdf board,
good luck..
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