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Old 11-28-2010, 01:18 PM   #12
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Re: fuel curcuit prob. reallllly need help

Originally Posted by datguysaL View Post
wow, im so late to seee this... i had the same problem.. turned out to be the selector switch.

there is 2 types of switches.. there is the kind that returns to position after u select a tank and ttheres the kind that the switch stays in place when u select a side.

it took me a whole day to trace it to the switch when i had the same problem.

maybe its just your switch.

i never tried it but maybe if u hold the selector switch down while u crank. it could probly work as long as u hold the switch down.. it wont hurt, but its worth a try.
Thats what took me a while to figure out also. From what I have read about these switches, the momentary switch that does not stay in position is for carb'd trucks. This is sometimes called a 3 position or momentary switch. The 2 position switch is the one that is for fuel injected trucks. I would assume that this is the case because the fuelp pumps get their current from the relay through the switch. Hope you were able to figure out the problem with your truck.
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