You say you completely tore down the eng. and reassy. it you also said it ran before this and that it was new???? if so why did you take it apart in the first place?
You failed to mention if any internal components were replaced!! other than the head gasket's.
Did you install a new/differant cam form the one that came out at the time of tear down??, same ? for the timing gear set if so then may be the cam was Mfg. wrong i.e. inproper grind if the cam was ground wrong you can have it all lining up but if the lobe degree is off from the gear timing then you ain't running.
Are you using a multi keyed crank shaft timing gear?
If so are you a 100% shure you have it matached to the cam gear correctly i.e. 0*crank/0*cam, or maybe it's 10*crank/0*cam & so on.
These are about the only thing's i can think of i know there long shot's but it's possible if you changed any of the component's i mentioned.
Good luck.