Thread: Crooked 68
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Old 11-29-2010, 08:52 PM   #1
JesseH13's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Fresno Ca
Posts: 389
Crooked 68

I've never posted a build thread it was always in the main forum but here is my build thread i collected these pictures throught out the year and ill give ya the story about the truck now..

This truck is a orignial 50th annual long bed pic up and came from San jose, ca
its was pretty much a one owner truck until it went throught the c10 ranch and was passed around and the only mod done to it was shortened into a short bed truck.
I was a junior in highschool when i learned that my dads friend had this truck i've always wanted a 67-68 c10 pick up it was my dream truck i woke up November 21, 2009 a normal day going to my dads work and messing around their on the weekend sand blasting parts for him and what not, and i remember getting in trouble bkuz i peeled out in a scooby mobile looking van i saw a pickup pulling the gold and white truck on a trailer i was really happy to see this truck bkuz i knew it was mine!! i was only seventeen at the time, senior in highschool all these's plans strarted running through my mind once i saw it i knew it was gonna take time bkuz i didnt have a job money was limited bkuz i was tryin to enjoy my senior year and gather money by washing cars/trucks to get money.
I had to give up my dream car 1964 chevelle malibu ss 4 speed muncie for my dream truck.
im very happy to have truck and this truck is the world to me i would never get rid of this truck bkuz it has so much meaning to me..
Here is the build pictures
a year of fun/frustration/and happiness aha.
1979 Nova-daily-R.I.P
1976 c10 "daily"-
1968 c10 -project

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