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Old 11-30-2010, 09:50 PM   #1
"Trucks with Class"
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Location: OLYMPIA, WA, USA
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Seat Foam Cushions Sale: Best Quality & Best Price-USA

I did a basic comparison between our American Cushion-USA seat foams and the new import seat foams. I didn't cut them up, or sink them in water or any extreme lab tests.
The pictures show what I saw. The American Cushion-USA foam feels better (?) as it seems smoother and softer when compressed. Fit and finish also goes to the American. Look for yourself.
I also did a price comparison and I have the best prices on the American Cushion-USA foam: I discount the bucket foams at $250 each seat. Bench bottoms $250 and bench bottom & back set for $350.
Classic Industries: $285 & $390
LMC..................: $300 & $480
Brothers.............: $300 & $300 (bottom only)
Classic Parts of A.: $300 & $300/400
***All prices are before shipping.

If I can help you with your seat foams, just let me know. I do accept PayPal and Visa/MC with no extra processing fees.
Thanks, Frank
Phone: 360-956-7170

Last edited by PICKMUP; 01-08-2013 at 02:26 PM.
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