thanks for the responses guys..
I replied to swervin and allthrtls last posts but I Guess it didnt go thru?
I will change the pickup coil just to completely rule it out..
swervin: the capacitor im talking about is the one bolted right next to the module inside the HEI.. its part of the wiring harness.
swervin im praying that its something simple. But i swear Ive checked all the "simple" stuff by now..
87 Stepper: both head gaskets were leaking between cylinders (siamesed cylinders) and it was missing but it still ran well enough to drive.. I couldnt find the problem right away so I was going to replace the cam & lifters for peice of mind.. Well when I found the gaskets had leaked I changed my mind about the cam (close inspection rendered it in perfect condition) but by this time I had already thrown all the lifters in a pile and I didnt know where to put them so I just bought new lifters. The lifters and head gaskets are the only things I changed. The timing set is still new and tight and I KNOW I put the crank key on "0" .. the other 2 keyways were "A" and "R" for advanced and retarded.. and the big sprocket only goes on one way.. I aligned them at 6 & 12 (6 oclock for the top sprocket and 12 oclock for the bottom sprocket) and away I went.. I specifically remember doing this and Im 110% sure that I have it on right.
87 stepper those are Excellent suggestions though.. Thanks.. Even though im "110%" sure about the timing set, It will still linger in the back of my mind until I get this problem worked out :/ ....
captain: ugh you make it sound so simple. and it is really. I do know that I have fuel air spark and compression but apparently one of them is not up to par, or perhaps they're at the wrong "time"... its looking like its a timing issue of some sort, but as Ive said I have checked it a billion times.. I understand how and why this stuff works too so Im not just guessing...
I once thought I knew a thing or two about working on sbc's but I feel about 2 inches tall right now. this will be one story Ill be telling for a while.
Ill keep yall posted.. I think Im going to wrench on it some more tomorrow (saturday)
thanks again,