I haven’t seen the Tx Firefighter thread, but did find this link on the same topic which clearly shows the method of attachment of the sway bars to the control arms.
Years before I swapped to a 1975 front suspension, I installed an old link style Mustang II sway bar on my original 1960 front control arms. The control arm brackets were simple U-bolt shackle plates from a tractor supply house, bolted to the lower flange of the arms. In spite of how the arrangement may have looked, it worked perfectly for many years and made a big improvement in handling.
The forward pivot bushings did not require frame brackets because the links at the control arms aligned the bar properly at normal ride height.
When I installed the coil spring suspension, I bolted the 1975 bar loosely in the control arm brackets, jacket it into position, marked & drilled the frame for the mounting brackets and bolted it all together.
I’ve not seen it done on a torsion bar chassis, but this same process should work fine on the 1960 control arms as well. I would suggest bolting the frame brackets to the bar, jack it into position and align everything on the control arms making sure they are centered. Then simply drill the frame and control arms and assemble.