Thread: Tranny help!
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Old 12-02-2010, 01:11 AM   #1
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Tranny help!

Hey all! Brand new to the board and this is my first post!
I have a 79 chevy 4x4 and i just bought an 86 2wd black that I was going to swap bodies on because the body on the 79 is garbage... buuuut....
I cannot part out the 86 i like the actual truck too much! So it is now my new project..

Now to my question... The 86 came from the factory as a 3 speed... but it has since been changed to a 700r4...
What 700r4's will bolt right in? I have someone who has a good driving 700r4 out of an 86 camaro.. will that bolt into my 86 2wd truck?

I know that the 4wd and the 2wd trannies are NOT compatable.. Which sucks because I could get a free 4wd trans from a friend...

Anyways, what trannies should I look for?

Thank you guys!
Looking to spend a lot of time here!
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