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Old 06-21-2003, 01:12 AM   #1
The full convertible guy
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Posts: 728
Towing with a C Notch?

I am either going to have to c notch my 75 Jimmy or raise it back up a little. I did the flip on the rear and ride is terrible at times. My main concern though is whether you guys think I would still be able to pull a car hauler once I go with a c notch? The Jimmy sits quite low now although not as low as a bunch of your trucks. I just do not know if I could feel safe pulling a loaded car hauler knowing I had done some framework such as a c notch. Anyone here who has already proven this can be done?

2012 Kawasaki Vaquero (Lime Green)
2000 BMW 740iL
1995 Chevy ECSB riding on air
1975 GMC Jimmy 2WD lowered 4/6
1972 Chevy Trazer soon to be roadster
1965 Mustang 289/3 speed (friends dad bought it new)
1964 Chevy C10 (dad bought it new)
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