Re: Insurance is totaling my truck.
I'm an adjuster but for property not auto or liability.
The squeeky wheel gets the grease with insurance companies. Keep fighting and taking it higher and higher in the company. I had a claim that I denied based on the policy. Obvious wear and tear, mold, long term. Pretty much a dirty lady let water drip in her home, mold everywhere, and when her kid got sick the dr said the mold wasn't helping. She filed a claim for the water damage, I denied it. She complained to anyone who would listen and those who didn't listen referred her up. The 2nd highest position in the state for the company was in my file after she got a hold of him. His note said, "Pay this claim". It was paid the next day. Just keep fighting, someone will give in just to make you go away.
'85 GMC High Sierra 2500