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Old 12-04-2010, 10:31 AM   #36
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Re: Insurance is totaling my truck.

Originally Posted by Fastest32 View Post
So I got rear ended on Tuesday and of course they're gonna total my truck. I was hit from behind and shoved into the truck in front of me. I get that they wanna total my truck cause it's old but they're telling me that market value is only 2500 and that's all they have to pay me. This week has been a huge headache and now I have to go through all this bs just cause I was hit. I'm so pissed. I faxed them a bunch of trucks like mine on craigslist that are going anywhere from 5 to 10k. So heartbroken. I just got spindles and a notch to flip it too.
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Sorry to hear that. Don't give in to the the insurance co., fight them all the way.
There job is to pay you as little as possible. YOUR JOB is to get as much as you can. It seems this accident wasn't your fault. If this is the case you are in control. Rear end collisions come with neck and back injurys often. They will be anxious to settle. DON'T sign that check till you get all you want. If they don't want to pay you what you want, tell them to "find you a comparable truck". They hate that! Another angle is to get them to total the truck at an agreed value then you have 1st chance to buy it back, for maybe as little as $1.00. They don't want to deal with it. Been there before on this situation, hang tough. Good Luck, Frank
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