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Old 12-04-2010, 12:50 PM   #1
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409 truck engine

Hey there fellas, long time no see. Long story short, Im wanting to drop a 409 into my 64, and Ive found out that they are very hard to come by, and very expensive if one is found. Ive done reseach and found that the truck 409s, with the compression relief, isnt such a bad child anymore with the new aftermarket parts for them. Just for starters, with the relief, the compression is dropped by only one point than what a car engine would be. So with aftermarket 10:1 compression pistons, the compression would be 9:1 on the truck block. Follow me? They will also accept 454 rods and crank with minor machine work on the mains. Anyhow, I found one in a 62ish chevy c80. The model emblems are gone, and the cab is a wrap around windshield style. But I know its a 409 due to the dipstick location. Driverside = 409, passengerside = 348. The guy wants $1000 for it if I pull it. The breather cover was leaning on the carb so I know shes drank some water, and I couldnt turn over the engine, but that was expected. Dou you guys think it is worth dealing with? Or should I keep seasrching elsewhere? Ill try to post a pic of it later. The truck is falling apart around the engine if that tells you what kind of shape shes in. Nothing worth saving except the engine...
I dont care how you did it in California!!!
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