Re: Sideview mirrors help!
Hard to get a good look at the mirrors. Try posting the pics again but use this method:
(Print and follow step by step)
1. After you click on create (or reply) a post, click on small paper clip above or scroll down and click on "Manage Attatchments".
2. The "Manage Attachment" window pops up (Notice at the bottom you're only allowed 100KB per picture.) Click on one of the "Browse" blocks.
4. The "Choose file" window pops up. If your folder is there, expand it. Otherwise, click on down arrow to look for your folder. I keep all my truck related pictures in a separate folder.
6. In a blank area of the open folder, right mouse click so you can choose "View Thumbnails." For Windows 7 click on "large icons."
7. Right mouse click on your pic and choose "Properties." Make sure it's less than 100KB. (see #8)
8. If it's larger you can resize them. Right mouse click the picture and hopefully you will have a "Resize Pictures" selection in the pop-up window if you don’t, google resizing pictures and download a resizing programs from several sites. (sometimes the forum program will resize them for you if it’s not too large)
9. If you have the microsoft resizer, select "Resize Picture" and choose "small". It's always worked for me on that one.
10. A smaller pic will be created in the same folder. Choose it and it should appear in the "File Name" window.
11. Click "Open" and the "Manage Attachment" window pops up again.
12. Click "Upload."
13. Click on "Close the window" or you can minize it if you want.
14. To view before submitting, click on "Preview Post."
Last edited by 68gmsee; 12-05-2010 at 09:52 PM.