So since i bought my truck a few months ago i have replaced pretty much every typical "Maintenance" part right down to the starter and alt. so tonight went out to pick up a new washer and dryer and got to the peoples house and loaded the stuff up and went to leave and the truck slowly rolled over but wouldn't fire so buddy bosted me and we were on our way home. lights seemed a little bit dim but nothing really to bad.
So got home turned the truck off than tried to fire it right back up (no go)
so i unloaded the washer/dryer and than went out and boosted the truck so i could get it away from the door
parked in its spot turned it off (the dash lights and head lights seemed a bit brighter) so i tryed starting it fired right up did it about 6 times and fired right up.
trucks been sitting about 10-15 min now (i'm going to go see if it still will start) *runs out side * started to roll over than made a crunch noise and rolled over really really slowly... this is leading me to believe it's the batt... but it's not doing the clicking noise when i roll it over that a dead batt usually does.
Sorry this is a long post. i was just hoping i didn't need to buy a batt this close to Christmas.