I tried to jump start my truck like I've done every 3-4 weeks lately since it just sits. I hooked up the wires like I've always done, Good battery negative then positive, then to my truck, negative then positive. Never had an issue before.
This time I got a spark when I was about to attach to the positive of my truck. Thought nothing of it and got back into the good battery seat and reved the engine a little. I got out and was walking to the truck when I saw smoke coming from the battery, the wires, and near the fire wall of my truck. I turned off the car, ran, grabbed gloves and took the cables off the truck and the car. They kept melting for a while. I tried to turn the key in the truck and got nothing at all. No lights on the dash, nothing. Later I went back out and tried and the dash lit up like the battery was dead.
Was it the cables, did I fry my truck? Any help is appreciated.
Here are the cables now...