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Old 06-22-2003, 12:44 AM   #14
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Today I got it tuned up.

One word -- WOW!!!

This thing has awesome power!

At first I couldn't get the idle set -- I'd play with it and play with it, but it always seemed like it wanted to be richer, and it was running really rough. Sort of reminded me of a vacuum leak. Hmm. Okay, in fact, carb cleaner proved it WAS a vacuum leak. Wrong gasket between the adapter plate and the intake.

15 minutes later it idled like a champ. My engine may not be the best example -- built by Dumb & Dumber Engines Inc (the previous owner), but it was pretty touchy getting the idle set right. Also, it says to set the main mixture by holding the throttle at one spot and richening it until it starts to bog down, then back it off. Well, at full rich it hadn't started to bog down. At idle, though, with the indicator set this way, I couldn't get it lean enough to not spit gas out on the driveway. So, I set it further down and I'll tweak it as I go.

Pics tomorrow and a longer test drive!!

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