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Old 06-22-2003, 03:25 AM   #9
The Stunt Guy
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Danville, ca
Posts: 131

Jeff is a stand up guy, one of the best guys ive ever met, hes in my 4wd club and a good friend of mine

hes helped me out countless times with my truck and he currently has my cr500 cause hes borrowing it. I dont think id trust a $2500 piece of machinery to someone that wasnt trustworthy. As jays68yak said hes camping out at the nascar races. Im sure he will square up with you as soon as he sees this. And those names and addresses arent right just to tell you. Ive known the guy for quite a while now and i talk to him almost every day.

Dont jump to conclutions with this guy, hes cool, and doesnt do anyone wrong. If you wanna talk to more people about him go to and post on the board over there, about everyone there knows him and will vouch for him.
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