Re: Vibration.... BAD!!!! 454??????????
I had the same problem a couple months ago, noise/vibration/clunking over a certain speed and also a small clunk when initially put into gear. Change the universal joints. On mine the needle bearings in two of the bearing cups on my rear-most U-joint were blown to small frags or were non-existant. An easy and inexpensive fix. Check them first and then look for other problems from there. If the 'burban you bought sat for any period they(U-Joints) probably just dried out from lack of use/lubrication.
87 GMC V15 in profile photo sold 2013
99 Chev Silverado 2500 5.3 reg cab long bed
Last edited by sandorjoben; 12-07-2010 at 05:38 PM.