Thread: rally wheels
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Old 12-07-2010, 08:14 PM   #1
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Question rally wheels

I am confused what (if any) rally wheels will fit my 60 gmc 6 lug. One vendor says there are over 600 different rally wheels made by GM alone. I don't know if i believe their claim, but I am confused by different stories i have gotten regarding this. I am aware that the centerbore of the trucks like my 60 are bigger than the newer wheels. My question is what years WOULD fit if any. I'm not sure what year the rallys started, but i think it was sometime in the early
80's but i'm really not sure. What WILL fit on these trucks besides the OEM given the larger center bore? Almost none of the newer aftermarket wheels will fit for the same reason from what i can tell. Also, if i were to get a micrometer measurement of the size centerbore hole needed to fit, what would it be?
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