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Old 12-08-2010, 01:12 PM   #68
Getting Old; Going Broke
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Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Owasso OK
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Re: Insurance is totaling my truck.

Like has been said, you're stupid, absolutely stupid if you get the bare minimum liability coverage. Back in the 70's when my dad was working claims, he worked one where a kid was driving his hotrod nova with the basic 10/20/10 (is higher these days, but then it was 10/20/10) coverage on the beater.
The kid lost control on a windy road and ran in to a funeral procession. Took out the family car in front (stretched cadi limo), the hearse (another cadi) and then a new town car. People were hurt in all 3 of the cars, and all 3 cars were totals. The kids parents were hung out to dry, literally. You lose everything in a situation like that, and it sucks living in a cardboard box.
Always imagine you're the one who is going to plow in to the ferrari, or worse.
Why is every used 350 sbc out of a corvette?
There's only two things that excite a man, expensive toys and real expensive toys.
VEGETARIAN: That's an old Indian word meaning "I don't hunt so good."
When the going gets tough, switch to power tools.
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