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Old 12-08-2010, 10:56 PM   #1
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Location: Rohnert Park, CA
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2003 GMC 2500 4wd HD Issues

Any one have any of these issues?
1. Transfer case chain rub hole in case and makes noise
2. Ignition module come out and get out of sync
3. 4wd doesn't seem to engage
4. Speedo sticks and pegs when going less than speed limits
5. Cruise control doesn't seem to work now, could it be from the above problem

If anyone has had any of these problems let me know what you did to correct.
72 GMC Burb barn door 4X4 350/350 PS PB Tilt ( gone but not forgooten)
64 Chevy II V8 Loaded Wagon
2004 Chevy 2500 HD

Sonoma County, Northern CA
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