Originally Posted by 3r!c84
start beating a alum and a plastic fuel cell with a hammer see what cracks first. they use them because they are safer in a crash. wont crack or burst as easy as a metal one. also alum can make a spark that can ignite the fuel. unlike the plastic
if you hit a car hard enough to rupture the fuel cell, there's a chance of fire anyways. I just don't like the way they look. they look cheap and that's why they were put in cars. yeah there was a thing back in the day with a lot of fires in cars in a lot of crashes. it was more feasable to go with the plastic design than it was to reinforce where fuel cells are mounted. it all comes down to cost. if i had a dollar for every recall did on a ford pinto, i could build one hell of a truck. and that was one of biggest reason of the changeover was the ford pinto.