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Old 12-10-2010, 03:03 AM   #78
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Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Houston, Texas
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Re: Insurance is totaling my truck.

Ok, Ok. You guys may be beginning to make some sense to me. I'm just so frustrated with these damn insurance companies I guess I'm jaded. I am a grown man and own a house with a family--maybe I do need to protect myself and potential victims a little better(it's just that--no matter what kind of coverage I have, if we fall I don't believe those big hands are gonna catch me or any other claimant).

Of course, people being so quick to file a lawsuit (I've always told myself that it's different here in little Dayton, tx, but it probably isn't)is a big part of state at hand. But then again, I'm beginning to think you gotta get as much as you can out of them just to cover your actual losses. We(the good ole boys that are still driving our squares around) don't take advantage of the situation and claim our neck is broken, etc. Apparently you have to or you either get ripped off or have to fight tooth and nail to get even close actual recovery--which is why they have to rip you off. It's a viscious circle.

Maybe I ought to just keep a lawyer on retainer?

I've been dealing with them the last few days, so it's all I've thought about lately. Btw, I was right, they thanked me one day for saving them a ton of money, and then they lowballed the crap out of the next. Their I-keep-it-total loss value, was less than the damages estimate on the first quote when they were gonna fix it (not that I want to keep it).
When I get done with the insurance ordeal I have at hand, I will be looking to insure a new vehicle. When I do, I'll shop insurance and up my coverages, and I will check any potential insurer to see it they use this scamming CCC company to do their value estimates. Because I now know first hand of their devilry. I still won't get full coverage on a $6,7,8,000 truck that body parts are so cheap for though. (I should also disclaim that my full coverage rates have always been relatively high--Insurance bills would destroy me if I paid full coverage for every car in my name).

PS. It's officially jacked, and I'm really sorry. Hopefully this will put an end to it. Atleast I didn't get on here to argue--as much as I wanted too, after I was called stupid.
87 Turbo Buick
92 5.0 Mustang coupe
87 GMC Sierra SWB
82 Chevy K5 Blazer 2wd

Last edited by jdurant; 12-10-2010 at 03:05 AM.
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