Originally Posted by thirdstreettito
Nice truck. But why wouldn't you get a Duramax? I mean, better mileage, power, reliability, etc.
Cuz, I am not into diesels and nor am concerned about fuel economy. The 8.1L was a $800 option. The Duramax was a $5000 option at the time. Easy choice for me! Plus in 2001 when I bought this truck, the Duramax was brand new and not many people, including me, had an ounce of faith in the aluminum head Duramax. The Duramax has been alright, but I wouldn’t go as far to say it is more reliable than a 6.0L or 8.1L gas. At 100,000 to 150,000 miles people are replacing $2500 worth of injectors in the diesels while the gas guys are spending $100 for spark plugs and wires.
The 8.1L can't out run a Duramax but it is a cheap alternative to diesel torque.