well pete if you have tried to im me its beond me cause you have been harrasing my wife for a week now. yea i fawked up . i have the fenders sitting here. i have been trying to find away to ship them when i put this stuff up for sale i did not know it was going to be a hassle to ship them. thanks for the heads up on greyhound i am gonna give them a call. the cheepest place i have found to ship them is 230 so yea im gonna lose my ass on this. it will be taken care of. im sorry i have not got back to you but i have been working 18 to 20 hrs aday. 2 jobs just to try and get my life straightend out. i sent you a pm just wanted to make sure everyone knew i was not avoiding this. as far as james i sent you one set and they where signed for 2 months ago. send me your fawkin addy and i will send you the set out of my truck i dont care. im not out to screw anybody but yea i got in over my head.
just like some parts with et's truck. i sent him a set of doors and the freght company smashed one and set the shipment back to me. it took me a month to find adoor as good as the other. well now the freight company wont ship them so im fawked once again. i told him i would send him his cash back as soon as i got it. hopfully this friday. oh and for the rest of you yea i went to the races it was my b-day present from my parents i got back in jan. so you can all screw off.
i have lerned on thing through this dont sell part unless the person can arrange shipping or pick them up.
oh and if ya all wana fawk with me my email is