I know what the ignition is supposed to be at, but Im affraid of loosing the great gas milage I have now. I know I can put it to a 10* can, have 34* mechanical [what vortec like] and run full manifold vaccum with 8* initial [with the vaccum advance un-pluged] and run 87octane all day long, but I dont want to loose the 15-20MPG freeway Im getting right now. What do you think, should I try it?
-78 c10 short/step: 388cid, M20, 5/5 drop, lots more. Playtoy and first vehicle.
-98 c1500 x-cab: 5.7L, 17" rims, 5/6 drop, flowmaster, helper bags,NBS rear disk brakes.
-02 Suburban 4x4: leveled front
-CBR600F4i, CBR600RR, CBR1000RR, and standup skis
DISCLAIMER: I cant spell for the life of me.