Originally Posted by notrailerqueens
well i know i wanna go static i dont wanna have to mess with bags and compressors and all that stuff. this is gonna be my first drop ive always lifted everything but the dropped truck bug has kinda bit me so now im tryin to learn everything i can. because when it comes to whats involved in a drop, how much drop and how to do it, im pretty much lost. lol thankfully though yall have TONS of info up on here so im trying to read through everything b4 i hit the garage and start. i know i dont want to "slam" the truck. but im really really likin your stance mooseknuckles. in fact i actually stole your avatar pic and have it up as my background for a reference of where i wanna go with the truck. so right now im tryin to make a final desision on it even though i wont have $ or time to do it untill prob this summer. plus im gonna have to enlist the help of some friends to take the bed off and stuff like that. i really appreciate you guys input though. id tottally be lost on this drop thing with out it!
I'm flattered!!.....Thats exactly what I thought when I first dropped mine, then it kept getting lower and lower untill I couldn't drive it over anything or get a jack under it. So I bagged the front so I could raise it up to get it in the garage and get a jack under it. The back end is still a static drop as I plan on bagging the rear this spring and do the rest gradually as money becomes available. But eventually I want to be able to set this thing on the ground...good luck with yours.