Re: Did I get a good deal on this welder?
That is a good welder, solid and has stood the test of time. It is not the new inverter technology so as you see not only is it large but it uses a lot more electricity to run. The wire looks like .045 E70S, not great for thin stuff but works well on frames and Xmembers. What kind of gas came with it? Straight CO2 or mixed gas 75/25 Ar/CO2, there are many other mixed combinations but for a beginner those two will work great.
Looks like you are going to need a big plug in your garage. Draws 50/45 amps depending on what power you have, probably 220 or 240 for your house depending on when it was built.
Last edited by Mike Bradbury; 12-17-2010 at 11:33 PM.