Thread: Question
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Old 06-24-2003, 10:15 AM   #1
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Question Question

Not really a truck question, but needed to work on my truck.

I don't have an air compressor or mig welder with all of the associated tools. What would you recommend me buy to start my garage. I don't need anything heavy duty only hobby level.

Has anyone bought the air compressor kits from lowes or home depot. they are like $350 for the compressor and some tools. Would that be enough to run what I need?

Also, would a hobart 135 be enough to do body work and odd and end things around the garage. I've watched Ebay for used migs, but they go for about the same as new ones. I think I would rather have the 175 model, but don't have the cheese for that at the moment...

Anyway, thanks for the insights. Bar none this is the best board I have ever used...
1968 C10 Custom
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