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Old 06-24-2003, 01:26 PM   #11
Richard Dobson
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Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: Easley, South Carolina
Posts: 491
Wood to Steel

I have just disassembled a steel bed to put in a wood floor. The steel floor has all the cross sills welded to it escept the rear sill is a stand alone unit for a steel bed and is different from a wood one due to the fact that the wood is 3/4 thick. You will need a rear sill for a steel floor. The tubs are O.K. The front bed panel is different also, you'll need one for a steel floor. There will be minor hardware (screws, etc.) changes. The large offset washers are no longer needed. I preassembled the wood bed upside down on my garage floor with the bedslides resting on padded 2X4's. This is not be the proper method for a steel floor due to the weight. You may want to put the steel floor on saw horses and put the bedsides on in the upright position making sure to have extra help to insure that everything stays stable. Make sure that everything is squared up, check for squareness from bedsides to the floor bottom, measure from bedside to bedside in a X pattern at the stake pockets to insure squareness. I would pre fit everything first if you are going to apply fresh paint.
Richard Dobson
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