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Old 12-20-2010, 05:28 PM   #4
Classic Bowties
Always on the hunt...
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Portland, OR.
Posts: 5,873
Re: NOS - Chevrolet Grill emblem for 60-62?

I agree with 1960project, let the holidays pass then get that piece on e-pay for your best buck. I am sure it would be the only one on there, just be sure to have a great heading/title along with a detailed decription with all the right keywords so it pulls up in as many people's searches as possible, worst thing on e-bay (when seller, not buyer ) is when a super rare piece is put up and only gets a couple hundred clicks/viewers, that number needs to and should be in the thousands. Merry Christmas and good luck on the sale. Mel
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