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Old 12-20-2010, 10:50 PM   #1
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Black and Gold 70 CST

Here is a truck I bought a few days ago. I posted some info about it in another thread regarding paint options in 70, but the pics were bad. I havent seen many, if any 70's this color combo or painted with the two tone between the upper and lower trim. The previous owner removed most of the trim and you can see all of the paint under the trim. It looks original to me. The spid has only special paint on it.

The only question I have is the paint on the upper part of the cab. It has no chrome that divides the black from the gold. It also has the upper lip of the door painted gold also. Here is a pic.

It has bucket seats and a 402. It is a great driving truck. Here are a few more pics.

Last edited by 75gmc454; 12-20-2010 at 10:55 PM.
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