Well, here is what happened to me.
I was cruising the turd GMC and noticed my oil guage was jumping and dripping. I pulled over (I'm on the freeway and it was in the mid 90s outside) and discovered she was pretty much drier than a pop corn fart. I looked for my extra oil that I almost always carry with me, and discovered I had nothign but one bottle of dextron.
I poured the dextron in, and limped it about 1/4 mile to a gas station and poured in about 3 1/2 quarts of oil, then went straight home and drained it all out.
I have no idea how long the pump has sucking the pan dry, but now I have very low oil pressure, when it was perfectly fine before. I was getting about 40 - 50 pounds at an idle in park after it was warmed up, and I was normally running 10W40. Now I am happy if it reads 15 under the same conditions with 20W50.
Your rings are probably OK since it still runs fine. Before going any further, I would do two things.
Check your oil pressure when the engine is cold, and again when it is warm.
Then I would pull all the plugs and do a good compression check.
You'll be p!ssed if you need to pull it apart, but it is better than cruising it sor 6 months and have it start knocking in the bottom and scatter it all over the freeway trying to limp it home.
I hate to go against the popular vote here, but I'm sure you have alot of time and even more money into it,a dn I would hate to scatter an engine knowing I coulda prevented it.
I check my oil all the time now...just for the record.