Originally Posted by bigunde
Looking for a D-351 or D-478 v-6 gmc diesel. Thanks for any help.
I have a new toro-flow engine,I think it is a 351 however it could be a 478,would have to check numbers to find out.let me explain what I know about this engine.I got it from a school sale,it was gave to school by General motors in the 70s,it still has the tag with date & serial no. on it when it was given to school.It is mounted on a heavy frame which appears to be the way it was shipped to school.I don't think the school ever ran or used it for training any.I mounted radiator on frame,drained oil which looked new & put new oil in,purged oil system so all brgs.& lifters would be full of oil,installed oil pressure gauge,& temp. gauge,mounted small fuel tank above engine,blead air out of fuel line to injection pump,and cranked up.Ran perfect,60PSI oil,temp to 180,and ran for one hour.engine is still on stand and will start right up.My son has talked about putting it in a 1986 3/4 ton GMC pickup but I have not been able to find out if any adaptors to connect a auto transmissn is available.DO you know?If he does not use it I will let it go.