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Old 12-22-2010, 09:04 PM   #2
78 Chevyrado
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Re: Hella 7" Conversion Lights with Xenon Upgrade

Here's the comparison Between the shape of the two lights.

Here's the installed comparison.


Sealed Beam


Sealed Beam

Here's how they look installed from the backside.

Nothing on the truck had to be changed whatsoever. The old headlight connector goes right on there and the procedure is exactly the same as if you installed another sealed beam.

The dust boot on the back of the headlight fit the hole in the core support perfectly, just like it was made for my truck. Looks neater too.

Here they are all installed

Here they are lit up in the daylight.
This is the low beams

Here's the high beams with the driving light on too. The light coming from all four lights matches in color and brightness.

So far I'm very happy with the fit and finish of these lights. They fit the headlight buckets and retainer ring actually a little tighter then the sealed beams. The old lights didn't vibrate, but I could move them if I wanted to.

I haven't put the relay upgrade on the headlights yet, but I have the stuff for it. I may do that tomorrow. I want to see how they are without it first.

Last edited by 78 Chevyrado; 12-22-2010 at 09:06 PM.
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